DIY Monday

So now that I am my own boss I make my own schedule...YAY! So today's schedule has yet to include any "work work" yet, but have no fear I have been productive. How? Well I am now attempting to make use of some of the clothes that are either too small or too big for me to wear by using DIY youtube tutorials. Today's DIY project was SKINNY JEANS! So I have a few pair of jeans that are a bit loose therefore I haven't worn them in ages but after watching a tutorial here: I now have a use for them again. Before:


I still have to use the sewing machine to make sure that everything is tight and won't come undone, after all it has been a while since I have sewed anything. Maybe I will attempt a DIY tutorial attempt once a week...just a thought. Anyways, I hope everyone has a productive day, thanks for stopping by!

What do you think, not bad for my first DIY fashion adventure huh?


One Hour Writing Session


Canada: Our epic failure adventure