Catching up

Lately it seems as though I have fallen of the creative band wagon. I lost my wind somewhere along the way and I haven't been focused the way I should be. I wrote before that I am overwhelmed with all the projects that I have taken on and that is still the case. However, I am in the process of sorting it out so that it's a little less stressful than normal...we'll see how this goes. What's going on in my life? Hmmm, well not much to be honest. Just trying to sort through all the messes surrounding me. I'm thinking I need to sit down with pen and paper soon and get some writing done. I have a lot on my mind that I just keep ignoring but when I write I have no choice but to let it all go. So be warned that there may be a lot of random poetry updates coming.

As for all my other billion projects:

1. I have finally come up with a concept for my Kickstarter video! YAY! There's still a lot of details to work through but I feel like just coming up with a central theme has broken down a huge barrier for me. Time to buckle down and get this project done, hoping to have it launched by the end of the month. Cross your fingers for me please!

2. I am working on a couple of new songs that I will probably get released on my reverbnation page within the next week or so. Look out for new videos! Basically my main objective with my music at the moment is to just get it heard. Once people hear it they can pass it along to someone who can use it. I hope to start selling instrumentals soon. We'll see.

3. Books. Well as you know I am writing a poetry book, but I am also writing a sci-fi novella as well. Okay okay, I was writing a sci-fi novella. I have been slacking major on this project. I haven't touched it in months except for yesterday when I picked it up to read through. I really want to get this book done but I am not putting a rush on it, I have way too much on my plate as is. But just know that it is something I am in the process of doing and I am very excited about where it's headed! The poetry book is of course still in the making no pun intended :p

4. 365 Challenge. Well, okay, so I haven't exactly been taking a picture everyday. Kinda like every other day. Worst part about it is that I have like almost a week's worth of photos that I just haven't posted...slack slack slack. Hopefully I can get that taken care of tomorrow. I want to do it tonight but as I type this my eyes are telling me they'll be closing soon and to get the heck outta this establishment. So I doubt much else will be done tonight.

5. This blog. Well, the blog has definitely been a little neglected and I feel bad about that. But I promise I will catch back up. So far I've only gotten the video of the week posted (go watch if you haven't already!). But the P.O.W. and S.O.W. are coming up tomorrow. Whew, tomorrow will be a busy bee day for me.

That's it for now, thanks for reading my rambling. I hope that you come back for the good stuff. Make sure you subscribe!!!!


Poem of the week: 4


Video of the week: 4