Blogs that are probably better than mine...
Ello peeps, just wanted to let you guys know that I will try to post new content in the near future but I am preparing for a move so I have not had the time to write much. I don't want to leave you guys hanging though so I figured I could give you some other awesome people to check out while I get my life together!
Foodies check out Diana's blog The Chic Life she always has tasty creations posted and since she's a zumba instructor they are not only tasty treats but healthy as well! Plus she blogs about other cool stuff like fashion, fitness, life and her adorable corgi Bailey!
Follow her on twitter @thechiclife
For a breath of fresh air check out Arielle's blog Read Between The Lines. She has some videos of her AMAZING poetry, and some silly ones to :) And don't forget to check out her pictures!
Follow her on Twitter @Floetess
For an awesome poet and person be sure to check out the one and only Gangsta Care Bear! Her blog Poetry 'n' Notions is new and already filling up with interesting poems and cool pictures and I can't wait for more to come! Follow her on Twitter @gangstacarebear
If you ever need some awesome writing prompts or just want to read some poetry with amazing imagery and a steady flow check out one of my favorite bloggers Kellie Elmore at her blog Magic in the Backyard!
Follow her on Twitter @kellie_elmore
Like reading short stories? Well then check out Fictitious Madness by Daria Akasha. She also has some great poetry posted so make sure you give her a visit!
Follow her on Twitter @dariaakasha
Want poetry, videos, pictures with haikus, articles and music all in one place? Well besides here you can get all of that at Concrete Generation's site. You'll find content from tons of talented artists ranging from world ranked poets to lil ole me!
Follow CG's Maze @cpmaze
Well I think that's it for now, if you know of an awesome blog to add to the list be sure to add it in the comments below! Thanks so much to all the new subscribers, and of course to all of you who have been following my Waywordbound random blogginess from the beginning! I promise to bring you all some great content as soon as things get settled. Enjoy the wonderful artists and bloggers, make sure you tell em I sent you!