The waiting game
waiting games... you never realize the rules
until it's too late.
don't comprehend you're playing
prior to figuring out you're losing.
So much lies at stake
when you put faith
in anything other than
what you've created.
We give our time so effortlessly
to those who've promised us with only words
when we should only trust our seconds,
minutes, hours, with those
who have promised us with actions.
We lounge on expectations
as if they are meant to support the weight
of our hopes
unaware of how fragile the spine of
intentions, no matter how pure
really are.
you've felt it too before right?
that pang of pure disappointment
the one that reminds you there was something
you wanted, you waited for
that is no longer yours.
it's all just a part of the waiting game.
you wait and wait and wait for something
that never comes,
You don't win by just sitting there
you win by remembering
what it is you are waiting for in the first place
you win by believing what is meant to be
will be as long as you are willing to go after it.
Never forget what it is that drives you
that has the power to propel you forward
while simultaneously keeping you in place
That is how you win.
At everything.