A few changes!

Hey guys! I've been making some changes to the site, still working it all out and figuring out how I want it to be. One change I made was removing the comments from the home page because it cluttered it a bit. No worries though you can still leave comments and I'll still reply. Just not on the home page :) I don't want those of you who left me messages there to feel unloved so I copied and pasted before removing so I'll remember your kind words!!!

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  • nyparrot
  • Underestimated Diamond
  • collecthemomentsonebyone


6 thoughts on “”

    • Thank you so much, the tagline is from my upcoming poetry book, “In the making”. My thought behind it is this, we are always growing and changing and becoming one thing or another. In a sense we are never fully complete but always in the midst of being made.


Feeling nostalgic...


Who just ran 2.5 miles for the first time?