
Poem of the week! Anna "On being left"

powbigWhat's that? Oh, it's Thursday*. Yeah, I know. Wait what? I didn't post a poem of the week last week either? Well, yeah see about that... I've been attempting to be a busy bee by working on the novel I started last month as a part of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and also life in general is time consuming as well. BUT I finally got to sit down and dive into some youtube videos last night (at about 3am) and came across this gem by Anna Binkovitz called "On being left". Talk about a moving piece! This poem gave me goosebumps because I found myself relating to the emotions 100% (just take a stroll through my poetry link and you'll see that I have written about the same topic over, and over, and yeah, I have a tie to this piece). I'm really excited about this poem, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!

On being left by Anna Binkovitz [youtube=]

Be sure to follow Anna on twitter @poemsabouttoast and let her know how much you liked her poem! Also check out Button Poetry who provide us with such awesome videos of talented poets on their youtube channel! Lastly, feel free to follow me on twitter @talichaj to keep up with all the latest updates!

*Poem of the week will now be posted every Thursday due to scheduling changes.