2014 has been good so far!

Wow, what a year so far! I feel like time has been soaring by and I haven't had as many opportunities to fill you in on everything as I'd like. Here's just a few of the awesome experiences I've had! 1. WOWPS

WOWPS (Women Of the World Poetry Slam) is a national poetry slam (competition) held annually by Poetry Slam Inc. It is one of the BEST places to be. I not only met some of the poets I have been listening to/reading/watching on youtube for years, I got to watch them perform live! Amazing. The whole experience was humbling and amazing, wait did I say it was amazing already?

Overall I ranked number 36, coming in just at the top 50%! I knew that poetry was what I loved to do and I thought that I was good at it but I never knew if I was good enough to do it on a national level. I still have a long way to go but this has given me the confidence to keep writing/performing and to strive to be better and better each year.

2. Album Release

May 1st I am releasing my debut poetry album! This project has been in the works for a while, I just never thought I would actually get around to doing it. Last November, on a whim, I sent a message to a friend with studio equipment and asked him to help me record. After that, everything just fell into place. I began designing the CD art which includes an image made specifically for me by a super talented artist. I researched how to make a digital ebook and dove right in. I am pouring my time and money(okay, not that much money) into this and I hope that you all enjoy it. It has been a great learning experience and I hope this will only be the beginning of my journey & that I will create many more albums in the future!

3. I made the team!

So I'm really excited because I made the Slam Charlotte poetry slam team this past weekend! Slam Charlotte is  nationally ranked and I am so honored to be a part of it. I can't wait to hit the road and compete with these guys for  the regional and national competitions! I came in second place for the slam that selected the team members which was surprising and amazing. I was surrounded by a bunch of talented poets who got up on that stage and went in. This will be my first time heading to nationals, wish us luck!

4. Say cheese!

Okay, this is the last thing I'm gonna write about for today. I had my very first photo shoot this past weekend! It was super fun but I was also nervous because I am very awkward lol. This, just like the album, was something I've been meaning to do for a while but never actually got around to it until I talked to a friend who is a photographer and set up the shoot. I can't wait to see the pictures, they should be coming within the next day or two. I'll post some here on my website and on various social media sites but mainly the shoot was for the ebook. I'm thrilled!

So that's that. I feel like I am forgetting a few things but when I remember them I may do an update. Thanks for reading, and thanks for being supportive of what I do! I hope you guys will continue on this journey with me!


Stay up to date! Follow me on twitter @talichaj


I'm back!


FWF/NaPoWriMo "Edge"