Concert for a cause!

So much has happened this year that has kept me from updating this site but now that we are approaching the end of it I have more time to sit down and create content. I look forward to sharing some of the amazing experiences I've had with you in the coming weeks. One of those awesome experiences is happening today actually: concert for a cause 1

concert 2

I will be performing a set of poems at the Annual Concert for a Cause  hosted by Faces of Media Inc. to benefit youthSpark, a non-profit that "works to end child sex trafficking". I think the organization is a great asset to the Atlanta Community and am proud to be participating in an event that supports them. Make sure you go to their website to find out more about what it is they do specifically and to find out how and where you can help out the most. Child sex trafficking is a serious issue that calls for all hands on deck.

Find out more about youthSpark at their official website: Like them on Facebook to stay up to date with the organization:

Images courtesy of Faces of Media's Facebook page.


"I Want To Be Evil"-Eartha Kitt


Free write Friday!