Happy NaPoWriMo!

Hi guys! It's been a LONG time since I've posted one of my poems here. That's because I've been working hard on finishing my poetry book. It's almost done so I figured I'd take a small break and participate in NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month, for those outside of the loop). I'll try my best to post daily but being an adult means life gets hectic sometimes, you know how it is! This poem was inspired from a quote by Assata Shakur I came across on tumblr, "We’re taught at such an early age to be against the communists, yet most of us don’t have the faintest idea what communism is. Only a fool lets somebody else tell him who his enemy is." The poem in general has nothing to do with communism but more-so the idea of the things I don't know. The things that have yet to be discovered by me and the urge to change that in all aspects. I think it's easy to listen to other people's view of the world and all it contains but it's better to experience and learn for yourself. So without further ado:

Wider than a Big Bang

This world is filled with gifts, much granite unturned, many undiscovered roads.

I want to cross bridges, duck under low hanging branches, slosh through rivers bare knee’d,

unafraid of the little things, or the big ones, or of anything in between.

To glimpse a turnoff and take it not caring where it leads, as long as it goes.

Lounging at the edge of any shore as the waves kiss me, sprawled among prickly blades of grass while the stars kiss me, to be in his arms or hers kissing them back when they kiss me.

To go… To do… To to.

Breathing carefree and exuberant, following whim, leading with moxy.

Not giving a fuck, not being afraid to say fuck, not fucking caring about fucking offending any-fucking-one.

Being over the moon, with a laugh brighter than venus, smiling unapologetically wider than a big bang.

For me to live a life that has loved living.

For me to love a life that is lived loving me.

Thanks for stopping by! If you are participating in NaPoWriMo as well feel free to leave your link when you comment so I can check your work out!

Follow me on twitter @talichaj


NaPoWriMo Day 2! Zoo of the Unwritten


Book update: Looking for Beta Readers!