Poem of the week!

powbig This week I want to share a poem from one of my favorite poets, Rudy Francisco. Rudy is a spectacular writer and performer whom I have admired since the first time I heard him perform a few years ago. He has such an honest tone to his writing and it always makes me really feel or think about his topic. The poem I choose this week is called "Stutter" and the first time I read it I was just blown away by the rawness of it. Anyway, I can't really describe the feeling the way I'd like (some kind of poet I am huh?) so I'll just let you guys feel it for yourselves as you read this!

Stutter by Rudy Francisco

Make sure you go check out more of Rudy's work while you're at his site. Also, he's on twitter, @rudyfrancisco. See you guys next week for an all new Poem of The Week!


"Born to" Free write friday!


The Happy Couple by Alysia Harris. P.O.W.