Free Write Friday! "You Called Me Love"

wpid-free-write-friday-kellie-elmore.jpg The Prompt: Ponder This

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Love was just a word Just a flick of a tongue A quick exhale It only meant fleeting

And then you happened And you’d call me ‘love’ And it made me feel like I was burning under my skin

No one had ever gotten beneath the surface Until you, your love, you nestled inside me Wriggled your way through the cracks I thought I’d kept well hidden

You planted your lips as seeds against the Soil of my fluttering field heart and blossomed A brilliantly beautiful thing you were, And you’d call me “love”

My favorite past-time was running the naked skin of my palms along the bared Flesh of your back, kneading my fingers into The softness that camouflaged the sinewy strength against your spine

No, it was looking into those eyes, The ones that always drank me in as if I were the only thing to behold, the way they turned my pulse into an impulsively pulsating rhythm uncontrollable.

Or maybe it was just loving you back. Yes, loving you back as hard as I was capable Until my knuckles ached from holding on And my throat was raw from the strain of saying the words so much they became my exhale

Love never felt like butterflies to me It was only just a word, fleeting And then you happened And you’d call me ‘love’

I swear there were wings inside Beating gently against my ribcage Eager to find their way to you every time you called me ‘love’.

So it's been a couple of weeks since I posted for #FWF it feels good to be back! I actually started a story for last weeks prompt but I haven't had a chance to finish it yet, keep an eye out for a really creepy story though :)

I hope you guys enjoyed this, it was random as always. I look forward to reading what everyone else posted in response to this prompt as well! 

Be sure to check out Kellie on twitter @kellie_elmore and you can follow me there as well @talichaj 


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